What Is Kotlin - About Kotlin
Brief info about Kotlin Kotlin is a statically typed programming language for modern multiplatform applications. Kotlin runs on the Java virtual machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code or use the LLVM compiler infrastructure. Its primary development is from a team of JetBrains programmers based in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Kotlin for Android Kotlin is now an official language on Android. It's expressive, concise, and powerful. Best of all, it's interoperable with our existing Android languages and runtime. How to started with Kotlin on Android Kotlin originated at JetBrains, the company behind IntelliJ IDEA, in 2010, and has been open source since 2012. With big advantages of Kotlin over Java & Android development, it is becoming more popular for alternative of Java among Java & Android developers. Official site of Kotlin to learn more. Kotlin also supports higher-order functions, anonymous functions,...